Nuevo modelo examen ISE II Trinity (B2)

El nuevo modelo de examen ISE II entrará en vigor en Septiembre de 2015.

Los cambios fundamentales para ISE (todos los niveles) son:

  1. Desaparece el portfolio (3 redacciones que eran una parte de la nota final).
  2. Se introduce una prueba de listening.
  3. Cambios en la estructura de “Reading & Writing” y “Speaking”.

Por tanto, todos aquellos candidatos que deseen presentarse al examen con la estructura actual deben tener en cuenta que la última convocatoria que habrá en Toledo será en Junio (pago de las tasas a mediados-finales de Marzo), y en Madrid en julio (pago de las tasas a mediados-finales de abril).

En e-pap formación disponemos actualmente de dos grupos preparatorios de ISE II para la convocatoria de Junio en Toledo.

  • Lunes y Miércoles de 10:30 a 12:00 horas.
  • Lunes y Miércoles de 19:00 a 20:30 horas.

En ambos grupos se realizará un repaso de la gramática exigida por Trinity para el nivel b2, se practicarán las destrezas de speaking y writing, así como la realización del portfolio y simulacros de examen.

Si deseas incorporarte a estos grupos puedes contactar con nosotros en el 925 234 615 y asistir a una clase de prueba si lo deseas.


A continuación, os presentamos un resumen de la estructura de ISE II (nivel B2). Las tasas de examen aún no están confirmadas (138€ para las convocatorias actuales). Plazo de inscripción: unos 2 meses antes de la fecha de convocatoria.

ISE II: Reading & Writing

How long is the Reading & Writing exam? Two hours.

Which skills do the reading tasks test? Reading for gist, reading for details, reading comprehension, understanding the main ideas of a text and inferring.

Which skills do the writing tasks test? How you organise a text, your range of grammar and vocabulary, how well you answer the question, how you transform reading texts into a writing text.

The Reading & Writing exam has four parts:

Task 1 — Long reading

How many texts? One text.

How long is the text? About 500 words.

How many questions? 15 questions.

Task 2 — Multi-text reading

How many texts? Four short texts.

How long are the texts? In total, the four texts are about 500 words. One of the texts is a graphic
or diagram with some short text.

How many questions? 15 questions.

Task 3 — Reading into writing

How many texts do I read? You use the four texts from task 2.

What do I write? An essay or article.

How many words do I write? 150–180 words. You can only use information from the texts in task 2 in your answer.

What do I write? An essay, article, letter, review or email in response to a question.

How many words do I write? 150–180 words.

ISE II: Speaking & Listening

The Speaking & Listening exam is a one-to-one interview with a Trinity examiner.

The exam is in four parts:

  • Topic task (4 minutes)
  • Collaborative task (4 minutes).- The examiner will read a short prompt. The prompt will have some information about a situation or opinion.

When the examiner finishes reading the prompt to you, he/she will stop talking. It’s then your responsibility to start the conversation.

  • Conversation task (2 minutes).- In this part of the exam, you and the examiner have a conversation on one of these subjects.

o Society and living standards
o The world of work
o National environmental concerns
o Personal values and ideas
o Public figures past and present

  • Independent listening task (8 minutes).- In this part of the exam there is one task.

You listen to a recording twice and take some notes. The examiner asks you some questions. You tell the examiner your answers


Toda la información proviene de la página oficial de trinity.